The Value Playbook


Are you a group of first-time founders
who want your company to last?

  • Have you shipped your first product, or are in the process?

  • Have you felt the need to grow your staff beyond the founders?

  • Have you thought about company values, but not really sure what to do?

  • Are you wondering about mission and vision and why they matter?

In the course The Value Playbook I will teach you and your co-founders how to build a solid value-based company foundation that will last and guide your decisions with better clarity for years.

The facilitated course is EUR 1.880


Example content from the course. Here an exercise about going from values to value statements to specific everyday actions…


Go from a cloud of doubts and insecurities
to clarity, alignment and purpose

Getting everything just right as a first-time founder is insanely hard. Not only are you making a new product, you are supposed to build a lasting company at the same time!

Turn your doubts and insecurities into alignment, clarity and direction and improve clarity for yourself, your co-founders and your company.

Get closer to your co-founders, and discover the WHY and the values you share, and the future you are going to create.


✨ Participant Outcomes ✨

💡 Clarity of Your Shared WHY

🎲 Reduced Uncertainty & Insecurity

♟️A Framework for Working with Dreams

❤️ A Strong Value-based Foundation

🧭 A Framework for Company Strategy

🌱 Sprouting Sense of Deeper Purpose

📅 A Plan for Staying on Course

🍀 Better Chances of Reaching Your Goals

🧩 Course Structure

Live Facilitated Course

The course is a mix of individual preparation assignments, live guided workshops and reflection exercises. Follows an overall arc from individual origins to personal values to articulated company values, vision and mission.

🔎 Overview

  • 1-2 hours of individual homework

  • Two 6-7 hour live or online workshop days

  • Your founder group & the instructor are the only participants

  • Full confidentiality

  • All materials used and made are yours forever

  • Access to updated course materials, as they are made

  • 100% money back satisfaction guarantee


Define what to focus on and magnify it…


Beginnings are all about why, alignment and direction.

In this course I teach what I’d wish I had known as I grew my first game company.

Hi, I’m Peter, and I’ve made this course because I wanted to teach some of the things I found most valuable and overlooked in my journey.

I’ve co-founded four game companies over the past 20+ years.

With the first two I messed up a lot of things, got other things right, and learned valuable lessons. Most importantly, I saw how valuable and difficult it is to get beginnings right, and how much trouble we can get into by getting it wrong.

Since I’ve helped other companies articulate better beginnings and introduce new beginnings a few years down the company’s life.



Here is what past participants say:

… digs deep into each founder’s origin story and personal goals, using that as a leap of point of discovering the company’s shared values and mission - converting that into an empowering direction as well as setting the stage for a more effective and deeper process of defining company strategy to reach your goals.
— Mathias, Co-Founder
Deep discussions about how our values and expectations weave themselves into the studio ethos. Tools to better discover our voice as a studio for ourselves going forward.
— Co-founder
it was good to reflect and realign with each other what the company is doing and where we are taking it.
— Co-Founder
It can sometimes feel like we are chasing our tails trying ot get stuff done and it doesn’t feel appropriate to take time out for things like this, but it will definetly be helpful to us going forwards.
— Co-Founder
[I gained] A deeper understanding in several areas of myself, my co-founders, and the company. Mainly it improved my understanding of why we are running this company and what our individual goals are.
— Niklas, Co-Founder & Designer
[I gained] A deeper understanding of what fuels my co-founders as well as what mission, values and strategies actually are and how we could harmonize those into a powerful sense of purpose and direction.
— Mattias, Co-Founder & CEO
...a chance to talk openly with a mediator
— Co-Founder

🤝 Who’s the Course for?

The course is based on my +20 years of experience as a founder in video games, but you can benefit from the course even if you’re making something else. The course is focused on companies with co-founders, but individual founders may benefit greatly as well.

🎮 (Video Game) Company Founders

We’re independent game developers, maybe with a few years of experience, with a shipped game or two, maybe with some failures or even some success.

We know that it’s extremely difficult to succeed in the games business, and we’re willing to work on things that don’t feel urgent, in order to improve our chance of success.

📉 Founders with no Business Background

Far from all founders have a business background. Many of us start our first company only armed with a good idea and a drive towards entrepreneurship.

We’re figuring the business side of things out along the way. We make sure to outsource the obvious stuff — like, book-keeping — to someone who knows better. But what about the rest?

📦 Product-Centric Founders

As product-centric business founders — who know and care about the product first, and business last — we master the crafts that go into making a product. We’re experts in our field, often with best-in-class skills, well-suited to make amazing products.

Even so, we often feel insecure and powerless about important fundamentals of building a sustainable company.

🚀 First-time Founders

As first-time founders we’re feeling the need to learn 24/7.
We juggle several important roles and carry out a multitude of tasks, sometimes while finding it hard to focus and prioritize.

As first-time founders everything is new, and we spend a lot of our time outside our comfort zone. Often with a haunting feeling that we’re missing something important…

🤔 FAQs

  • A cup of coffee is always free. I’d be happy to listen to your challenges, and explain more about the course, so you can gauge if it’s right or not.

    Let’s meet and figure it out. No strings attached.

  • Yes, full remote, partially remote or fully physical is all good. Both physical and remote have their benefits.

  • I want to make 100% sure, that this course makes a difference for you. If you don’t find the course useful, I will refund you 100%. I’ll ask you to offer your candid feedback so I can learn something.

    However, please note that the money-back guarantee only applies if you actually do the work and complete the assignments.

  • The course is currently in “Beta” which the pricing reflects.

    EUR 1880 (max. 4 participants). Additional participant(s) +EUR 350 per seat

    Invoiced prior to course start, with payment due 2 weeks after course completion. You can pay in several instalments.


💌 Ask me anything:

Peter Holm | Tel: +45 42 42 45 27 | | @ptrhlm