Hi, I'm Peter. I'm a creative leadership Swiss army knife. I live near the woods and a I’m proud father of four kids. 


I am a creative producer, director and process type of person, with extensive experience leading game studios, teams and productions, in three four different companies that I co-founded.

Now I’m Head of Studio at FRVR Studio Spelunca β€” a first-party game studio owned by FRVR Ltd. Before that served a while as Head of Creative Process at Triband, a comedy games studio in Copenhagen.

I’m curious on how to reach and influence humans with (digital) creations. I enjoy helping organisations, development teams and creatives excel. I believe in play as an instrument for meaningful communication, learning, experience and growth.

Since 2000 I've helped build four game companies.
Besides my kids, that's the achievement I'm most proud of.


FRVR Studio Spelunca - 2021 - 2022

Spelunca was founded as a direct continuation of our work in Biodome Games. Main difference is, that the company was a first-party studio, fully owned by FRVR Ltd.

In January 2023 FRVR decided to divest in first-party studios, so we rolled back into Biodome Games...


Biodome Games, 2017 - Current

Biodome Games was founded with Tobias Thorsen in June 2017 on the ashes of Cape Copenhagen. Third time’s a charm, as you say.

In Biodome Games we try hard to apply everything we learned from the past companies. The most significant difference being, that we focused 100% on developing our own games, while staying small and lean.

Acquihired by FRVR Ltd. in October 2021.



Cape Copenhagen, 2008 - 2017

Cape was founded as Space Time Foam in April 2008 with Tobias Thorsen. Later Brian Meidell joined as an equal partner. 

Cape was for a couple of years a World leading ad game development studio in the kids games space. Literally millions of kids around the World played games developed by Cape, for clients, every day, for several consecutive years.

At Cape we produced around 65 games for domestic and international clients, as well as a handful of proprietary titles. The company employed 42 people at the peak.

What makes me really proud of what we achieved, is when I meet families who has played the games we made, and have fond memories about it. And, when I meet former colleagues, and they tell me, they miss working at Cape.

Cape went out of business in june 2017.



Titoonic, 2000 - 2008

Founded in 2000 with Tomas Landgreen Titoonic was the first 'real' company I co-founded. Starting out with a vague idea of making "animation for the web", we more or less accidentally ended up doing Flash based web games. 

Against all odds the company survived the .com fallout and shortly after, the aftermath of 9/11.

Titoonic grew to a staff about 30 people at the peak. During the years I was with the company, it shipped more than 100 games. The majority of these Flash-based branding games for a wide range of international clients.

I left the company in April 2007 to form Space Time Foam, that went onto become Cape Copenhagen. Titoonic went bankrupt in February 2008 in the wake of the financial crisis and a series of very unfortunate events. 

I subscribe to this philosophy: A company must make money, but that's not what we think about and look forward to, when we get out of bed.


We look forward to doing something meaningful, something that makes a difference, with people we care about. 

We must strive to leave the people we reach, society and the environment, in a better condition than before we touched it. The same is true for our work in our companies.

Our work must make a positive difference for our customers, our audience. It must make a positive difference for society as a whole. Ideally it makes a positive difference for the global environment too.

Professionally I've somehow contributed to the making of something like ~200 video games.


During my years as a Creative Director at Titoonic, Cape Copenhagen and Biodome Games, I've been conceptualizing and to some extent designing and directing a rather huge number of video games. Mostly smaller ad games for web and mobile (post-iphone).

Below is a small selection of the games made at Cape Copenhagen:

I've started and stopped new projects a million times, and sometimes I feel like my life consist of an endless chain of unfinished works, that spawn new unfinished works.



One of the few of these projects that are publicly available is learnedatwork.com

I don't have any formal education besides college, majoring in languages. The rest of the time I've been learning by doing.

Along the way, I realized, that I learn best from snack-sized nuggets or one-liners that I can repeat in my head. Learnedatwork.com is/was my attempt at collecting some of these nuggets, and passing them on...

Go see for yourself at www.learnedatwork.com

I used to be a 3d artist, then a graphic designer, then a wannabe artist.
Lately I'm producing text for the bedside table, and wooden tool boxes. 

Below is a selection of stuff I've made over the years...